Services offered
Initial session
Research shows that the fit between a therapist and their client is the singlemost important factor in successful therapy. Since effective therapeutic relationships depend on trust, safety and collaboration, our initial session is a chance to meet one another and consider how we might work together. We will discuss what brings you to therapy, identify your goals and explore your expectations. Typically, an initial session lasts around an hour and is an opportunity for us to consider together whether therapy would be helpful and what approach might suit your needs best.
Subsequent sessions
Subsequent sessions typically last for up to 60 minutes and are arranged in advance at a frequency we determine together. For some people, weekly sessions work best but everyone is different.
Neuropsychological assessments
Neuropsychological assessment involves using pen and paper based tasks to explore strengths and difficulties in thinking skills such as attention, memory and higher level thinking. It is most commonly sought after a brain injury or stroke to help guide the process of rehabilitation.
Mental capacity assessments
If there is a doubt about someone's ability to make a decision during the process of appointing a Power of Attorney you may require an assessment of mental capacity. Similarly, you may require evidence of a lack of mental capacity when applying for Deputyship via the Court of Protection.
Teaching and training
I am happy to discuss any requirements you may have regarding teaching and training needs for staff groups in your setting.
I typically conduct sessions in your own home where you are most likely to feel comfortable and relaxed. If you prefer, it may be possible for sessions to be arranged elsewhere. I am based in Oxfordshire but I am happy to travel.